
"Communicate to Connect"

by Dr Esse Menson, Senior Associate, MMFDr Esse Menson

Martha's Rule: a plea for a legal duty to listen and respond to parental concerns

by Sarah Barclay, Director, Medical Mediation FoundationSarah Barclay

Conflict and the courts: lessons from recent case law on conflict between professionals and families

by Dr Jaime Lindsey, Associate Professor in Law, University of Reading

Conflict between colleagues in Primary Care

by Dr Clare Sieber, MMF Trainer and Mediator

Strategies for improving team communication as a leader

By Oscar Mathew, Director MMF

Please don’t tell me not to worry

by Sarah Barclay, Founder, MMF

Creating a psychologically safe space for clinical teams

by Oscar Mathew, MMF Director

Challenging the mediation myths

by Dr Clare Sieber Dr Clare Sieber

The challenge of stepping back

by Dr Esse Menson, MMF associate trainer and mediator

Letter from Australia

MMF’s Australia Associate Sue Mcnaughton, reports on a recent case which highlights how communication breakdown contributed to the tragic death of a child

Judicial review, or mediation... or both?

How mediation can help when judicial review seems like the only option, in health and social careBy Arabella Tresilian, MMF Associate Mediator

The last two years of pandemic have directed a spotlight on the world-class services provided to the UK by our health and social care providers, and on the dedicated professionals who make those services available to us.

Getting back into the room

Getting back into the room

Our work as medical mediators and facilitators involves helping people have better, more constructive, conversations.

Communicating behind a mask: simple strategies to build connection

When disagreement arises between healthcare professionals and patients and their families, the situation can be stressful for all involved. The emotional impact on staff and families means that the possibility for misunderstanding and misinterpretation of views and intentions is high. What is needed is open, empathic communication driven by curiosity to really understand the views of the other person.

What mediators need to know about mental health

Q&A with Arabella Tresilian, Associate Mediator, Medical Mediation Foundation

Reflections of a soon-to-be Consultant: How mediation changed my career.

by Dr Gamunu Ratnayake

Using Townhalls to generate engagement in a clinical team

One of the most common features we come across when working with clinical teams is an imbalance of voices. We are often asked to help redress that imbalance and bring about a more open, inclusive and fluid culture of communication.
